Tag Archives: painting

Oil Painting, Derby Horse Pep Talk, To be Exhibited in AAEA Lexinton, KY Exhibition and Sale

I am excited and extremely honored to announce that my oil on canvas painting, Derby Horse Pep Talk by Cheryl Elich-Krumplet, has been accepted to be exhibited in the prestigious American Academy of Equine Art International juried art exhibition and sale in Kentucky. This exhibition, September 13 to October 19th, focuses on art depicting the horse. To view more details, please visit their web site at: http://www.aaea.net

The Bite, The Byte by C,E.K. Nelson, illustration by the author

Please click on image to view poem and illustration.

Have you ever wondered why the apple has been so prevalent in humanities history… ridden with myth and mystery. Creating conflict yet always equating to progression for the human race. Perhaps it should be called the yin and yang fruit??? From Eve’s apple to the Big Apple… and yes, the seed does contain cyanide. I know this as a result of having horses who, given the opportunity to over eat results in colic ( an upset tummy ).

The illustration: My original An oil on paper painting scanned and used to create the apple image in photoshop. Biting into the fruit of lost souls

High Coup by C.E.K. Nelson, watercolor painting by author

Please click on image to view poem and painting.
Please click on image to view poem and painting.
Whose fault is our jobless sate of affairs? Have other countries taken what is ours or have we recklessly given away the core of what America is-our blue collars-not even white collars can withstand the winds from the East-they have turned gray and dirty with lazy greed. The cost of doing business in China is exorbitant. We have done an injustice to our founding fathers efforts and all who fought relentlessly for our freedom as we are now ruled by the economic fist of yet another foreign country, a Socialist one at that- go figure! America is trapped as the cost of doing business in China has increased with transportation and shipping costs, the increase in their economic welfare creating their demand for higher pay, better infrastructure, higher lifestyles, and the list goes on. As the price that we pay increases and we have no where to turn, our American soil is being snatched up- we are invested fully in the goods and service produced by ” the People’s Republic”. More for less, less for more. Who is the ruler of our domain now?

The painting: I painted this with watercolors on paper directly after the Tiananmen Square disaster. It is a portrait of a Chinese boy proudly and loyally wearing the symbolic red of his country, blood stained with contradictions.